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Most popular reviews in 2018

These were the top five most read book reviews in The Baptist Times in 2018.

Gathering Disciples
1 Gathering Disciples: Essays in Honour of Christopher J. Ellis. Myra Blyth and Andy Goodliff (editors)

"A wonderful collection of essays, each addressing an area of vital importance to our Baptist way of being church"

Interrupting Silence 2 Interrupting Silence: God’s Command to Speak Out. By Walter Brueggemann

"A book about justice, where Brueggemann analyses eight Biblical passages in which silence is broken. Deceptively simple prose; profoundly challenging ideas"

Reclaiming the Common Good3 Reclaiming the Common Good. Compiled and edited by Virginia Moffatt

"For Christians who want their faith to shape their politics and view of the world, this thought provoking and challenging collection of essays is a must read"

The Art of Lent4 The Art of Lent: A painting a day from Ash Wednesday to Easter. By Sister Wendy Beckett

"This beautiful, pocket size book is the perfect gift for those who are on the fringes of church as well as for those who want to explore alternative and creative ways of praying around the spiritual themes of Lent and Easter"

A Unicorn Dies5 A Unicorn Dies - A Novel of Mystery and Ideas. By Paul Fiddes

"Theologian Paul Fiddes ventures into fiction for the first time, and the result is both gripping and complex" 


Baptist Times, 02/01/2019
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Out of the Shadows, by Kate Bruce and Liz Shercliff
'The authors take various women from the Bible, spanning Genesis to Acts, and write about them in a way which is really refreshing'
The Narrow Path, by Rich Villodas
'An excellent devotional book which concentrates on how Jesus lived out the Sermon on the Mount... the contrast between nominal faith and devotional discipleship'
Metamorph: Transforming Your Life and Leadership, by Kate Coleman
'Kate’s book made me feel hopeful with its rich and compassionate wisdom that leads to transformational action'
The Road to Wisdom, by Francis S. Collins
'Provides a helpful analysis of different levels of truth and how to discern them, as well as categories of untruth'
The Lord’s Supper, by Jonathan Black
'A readable series of meditations on the importance of the Lord's Supper and what the real presence of Christ means'
The Poetry of Pilgrimage, by Micheal Mitton
​Using poetry, prayers, photographs and Bible passages, this book captures the essence of 23 sacred sites, and the saints associated with them
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