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Church attempts plastic free Lent

Chorlton Central Church, a Baptist/URC Church in Manchester, attempted to drastically reduce its plastic consumption during Lent, writes Lesley Husselbee



Adam, a young member of our church had seen Planet Earth, and was disappointed with the disregard humankind has towards the planet and nature that lives within it. And so our church community was inspired to try and reduce our plastic consumption in Lent.

In response, we have been referring to the 7Rs to try and support decision making about our consumption over Lent: Rethink, Recycle, Repair, Reduce, Reuse, Refuse, Respect. 

We also created a ‘wave of plastic’ as a ‘confession’ that we didn’t manage to get anywhere near to being plastic free, and to the reality of living a consumerist and fast-paced lifestyle which relies on single use, throw away plastics.

Our personal awareness of the impact of our choices has been increased, alongside knowing more about a food system that often forces us to buy plastic packaging. We are joining the campaign to get the big supermarkets to have plastic free aisles.

As St Francis of Assisi said – ‘Start by doing what's necessary; then do what's possible; and suddenly you are doing the impossible.’

The Revd Dr Lesley Husselbee is Secretary, Chorlton Central, Manchester

TogetherSum18The Summer 2018 edition of Baptists Together magazine focused on creation care.



Baptist Times, 24/05/2018
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