Spirituality in Photography
Interesting and accessible guide which links the technical aspects of photography to our spiritual lives
Spirituality in Photography
By Philip J Richter
Darton Longman and Todd
ISBN No: 978-0-232-53293-7
Reviewed by: Jeannie Kendall
With the advent and improvement of the camera phone, photography has become much more popular from the quick snap of a meal to show on social media through to stunning wildlife or landscapes. This book is both interesting and accessible to those (like me) whose knowledge is limited but whose enthusiasm for photography is boundless.
Richard Richter takes a number of photography related topics, from technical aspects such as framing and perspective through to topics such as mist and fog and sunrise, and links them to our spiritual lives. Each chapter also has a section on using a camera phone, a double challenge (photographic and spiritual), a space for notes and a page to print out one of your own photographs to illustrate the topic of the chapter.
As such it is both practical and informative and well worth reading for anyone who takes photographs in any form and is interested in the spiritual life.
Two small disappointments. There are very few illustrations – some, in black and white, but not even one per chapter. I realise this is printing costs, but it would have helped to have colour examples. The other is that the “What next” section right at the end simply says there are plenty more ways to explore without giving any! Some specific pointers would have helped here.
Those aside, this is a book with much to commend it and could be used either individually or as part of a special interest group – perhaps even as a missional opportunity.
Jeannie Kendall is co-minister of Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church
Baptist Times, 15/03/2018