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Filthy fishermen - How God uses weakness for his glory

Promising elements of a number of themes in this book about redemption, but somehow not enough of any one of them

Filthy FishermanFilthy Fishermen – How God uses weakness for his glory
By Luke Holter
Charisma House
ISBN No: 978-1-62998-650-0
Reviewed By: Jeannie Kendall

This book is confused. Or perhaps I am. Let me explain.

Luke Holter was brought up as a Christian but spent some years having apparently abandoned his faith. At the start thought it was an autobiography, but while there are elements of that, the second part of the book is aimed at caring for “prodigals”.

Here again though there is confusion – it seems at times to be aimed at encouraging the “prodigals” themselves (you will have gathered I don’t like the term). Yet much of the language (about Satan, anointing, prophecy, declaration) is not only church specific but a particular expression of Christianity.

That said, there were things about the book I really liked. His run through of biblical “failures” was real and encouraging. He has a clear grasp of the love and grace of God which was refreshing, and you sense his heart for people. It was an easy read.

However I felt there were several books vying for attention: his autobiography (details were very sketchy and while I applauded his not concentrating on grimmer parts, it would have been interesting to know how he come to terms with it all); a look at biblical “failures”; an exposition of the Father’s love; and how to restore people who have been damaged by their histories.

There are promising elements of all of these things in the book, but somehow not enough of any one of them. A pity, as there is much potential here.

Jeannie is co-minister of Carshalton Beeches Baptist Church

Baptist Times, 24/02/2017
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