Re: Skinny jeans
Good on you, Jenny. Fantastic use of your skills. We should call you Dorcas... another great seamstress, and she's in the bible.
Bev Murill
Re: Daring Greatly through mission... with the courage to follow Jesus. With Susan Myatt
I'm proud to be a friend of Susan's, having met her at Signs for Worship Tamworth back in 2008. There are now three Signs for Worship groups - Tamworth, Walsall and Sedgley, all there because of the vision God gave Susan years ago. We are so looking forward to celebrating and rejoicing with you upon your ordination on the 10th September.
Re: Living with faith - and doubt
Couldn't agree more, Colin. In fact I suspect that some Christians who are "rock solid" in their beliefs may be guilty of using "strong convictions" to quite unintentionally mask or dismiss their doubts rather allowing themselves to lie with uncertainties and inner tension.
It has long seemed to me that "faith" must imply a measure of doubt and of provisionality, of saying, "This is my best understanding at the moment but it may well evolve". In these terms, the opposite of "faith" is not in fact "doubt", but "certainty". How much this squares with Hebrews 11:1 in some versions of the Bible, I am not sure!
Andrew Kleissner
Re: Meditation on Global Violence and Terror
The prayer/meditation is excellent. I would just like to comment on the reference to the 'West Bank' as one of the places where terrorist attacks have occurred. At least two horrific incidents took place between mid-June and mid-July: one was the murder of a 40 year old Jewish Rabbi, a father of ten, who was shot in his car near Mount Hebron. His wife and some children were injured as the car flipped over. In the other, a Palestinian terrorist broke into the home of a 13 year old girl, who was alone, and stabbed her to death.
Although these incidents both took place in what is technically the 'West Bank' - usually seen as a Palestinian area - it needs to be made clear that it was Jews who were the victims and Palestinians who were the terrorists.
Incidents of the type recently experienced in France and Germany, that have hit the headlines, are an almost weekly occurrence in Israel, but are rarely given much press coverage outside Israel. If they are reported at all, the anti-Semitic media usually give the impression that the perpetrators are the victims and vice versa!