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The Promise of Blessing

Chatty reflection on what the 'shining blessing' in Numbers 6 means for us today   

Promise of BlessingThe Promise of Blessing
By Kate Patterson
Muddy Pearl
ISBN: 978-1-910012-26-0
Reviewed by Pieter Lalleman

In this book the author discusses the beautiful high priest's blessing found in Numbers 6:24-26.

She takes a chapter each for the six clauses of the blessing. Her focus is not on the Old Testament and its background – in fact there is hardly any serious exegesis – but on what the text means for us today.

Patterson brings this out by means of all kinds of many little stories from her own life and the people around her, and with the help of quotations from many Christian authors from Julian of Norwich to Graham Tomlin. Ten Christian leaders endorse the book on the back.

Other themes of the Christian life also get attention, such as repentance, forgiveness, joy and doubt. The author has many good things to say but the chatty style of the book is not one that appeals to this reviewer.

The Revd Dr Pieter J. Lalleman teaches Bible at Spurgeon's College

Baptist Times, 12/08/2016
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