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To undertake post-graduate study

If you want to study theology beyond degree level, whether as part of ministerial formation or for your own sake, please get in touch with one of the colleges to discuss your options. Master’s degrees can usually be completed in one year if you are full time, or over a longer period if you study part time. The MA or MTh degree titles vary for each college, with some examples being: Contextual Theology; Christian Thought and Practice; Biblical and Theological Studies; or Applied Theology and Preaching. Bristol Baptist College can connect their postgraduate students with their study centres in Urban Life; The Bible and Violence; and Anabaptism.

All colleges will welcome enquiries from those wishing to undertake a research degree.

If you are already an accredited minister and are looking to gain a further theological qualification, you may be able to get some support for funding for your studies 

Photo: Jazmin Quaynor on Unsplash  
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