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chaplain 635

To train as a chaplain

If you feel called to chaplaincy, whether in the area of health, prisons, education, the military, industry or business, the colleges can provide you with the necessary ministerial formation and qualifications. Your training will be by and large the same as for any minister-in-training (Please see Accredited Baptist ministry), except that your placement will be in a chaplaincy rather than church setting. However, please note that it can be hard to find paid chaplaincy placements during training and that receiving establishments are sometimes reluctant to permit access for those not already qualified. This is why many move into chaplaincy only after they have trained for general church ministry. Nevertheless, you should speak to your regional minister if you feel this is your calling as well as speak to one of the colleges about a possible placement.
Photo: British Library and Metin Ozer on Unsplash
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