About the Inter Faith Working Group
The Inter Faith Working Group (IFWG) exists to
stimulate, inspire, energise and provide resources to enable people, both inside and beyond the life of our Union, to develop positive relationships with people of other faiths and reflect theologically. As an expression of love for our neighbours, our commitment to religious liberty and as part of our witness to the way of Jesus Christ, the tasks of the Inter Faith Working Group are:
To inspire, inform and prophetically challenge the churches and structures of our Union to build good relationships with people of other faiths.
To model relating to people of other faiths and engaging in inter faith dialogue on behalf of our Union and in partnerships as appropriate.
To inform responses to relevant global and national events, re-focussing the stories in the context of a deeper understanding of the issues involved.
To provide training and resources on inter faith relations and dialogue and living in a multi faith society, wherever appropriate working ecumenically and with other faith communities.
To work with the Baptist Steering Group and in particular the Ministries Team and Colleges to contribute to resources to assist in the initial and ongoing training/formation of ministers to lead churches in building good relationships with people of other faiths.
If you're interested in making friends and building community in a multi-faith context and networking with others involved in similar work we'd love to hear from you. Please
contact us here.