Our Baptists Together Logo
In September 2013 we launched a major update and re-design of this website and our logo. This was more than simply re-organising the available information or maintaining a fresh and contemporary design, it has involved re-thinking who might visit our website and why.

Our new logo is used as a symbol of our working together. Designed around the shape of a letter 'b' it retains the core symbols that have been used by our Union for over half a century – these are more than mere graphics, but an expression of who we are:
The cross – at our very heart is the Gospel message of Jesus, whose life, death and resurrection is the foundation of our faith; a symbol that connects us with a wider Christian community and defines us as centred on Christ.
The fish – one of the earliest symbols of Christian community, reminding us that we belong to each other and are called to walk together and watch over one another in love.
Water – expressing our defining commitment to believer’s baptism and the cleansing and renewing by God’s Spirit that undergirds our identity as disciples of Jesus.
Use of the logo is limited to member bodies of the Baptist Union of Great Britain - including churches, regional associations and colleges. Please contact us
to request permission to use the logo in other contexts.
Please click here to
download the logo.