Churches have been charities for hundreds of years. This privilege allows them to benefit from allowances including Gift Aid on donations. However, there are also responsibilities so we have leaflets to explain how charity law and the current recommended practice for charities affect Baptist Churches.
Churches with an income over £100,000 should now be registered with the Charity Commission and over time others will need to register.
Our leaflets explain the process of registration in detail as well as explaining how churches that are not yet registered should function.
Some churches may want to explore opportunities to become a new type of organisation known as a Charitable Incorporated organisation (CIO) and we have leaflets explaining this new process with guidance for churches considering other forms of incorporation. We also run
training days on these around the country. If you
would like us to let you know when other dates and venues have been fixed please contact us to register your interest.
You can find leaflets on these topics through the link on this page, through the website search facility, or by clicking on the ‘Resources’ tab at the top of every page.