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Baptists Together Mission Forum – June 2024


The Mission forum gathered at Yarnfield Conference Centre in Staffordshire on 18-19 June 2024. 
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We welcomed some new members this time and introduced ourselves to each other using objects that we brought with us which illustrated something about our identity and missional calling. The increasingly rich diversity of the group hugely benefitted our discussions.

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Three main items engaged us in conversation, careful listening and discernment over the course of the 24hr gathering.
Project Violet – Jane Day led our discussions regarding the recently released Project Violet Report and the Requests for Change that it contains. Although Mission Forum has not been asked to formally respond to any of the Requests for Change the group was committed to helping to promote the report in their Associations and other organisations. Jane led us in a particularly useful session in which we recognised and celebrated women in our Baptist movement who are leading in mission in a myriad of different ways. The sheer number of women who we were able to list in a relatively short space of time is noteworthy. We reflected on the possible impact celebrating these women and promoting their voices would have if these individual stories were shared widely across our Union. Action: Request that Associations give voice to these female missional practitioners and find ways to record their stories to share both regionally and nationally.
Migration – Steve Tinning & Juliet Kilpin shared some of the ways the increasing number of asylum seekers and refugees are impacting us as a Baptist movement in the UK and how Baptists are actively engaging with those affected by this movement of people across Europe. Our discussions benefitted hugely from contributions from Sharon Shek, Candy Choy, Saba Riazi and Ashenafi Tezera who shared movingly about their own experiences and how they are presently engaged in initiatives which offer safety, sanctuary and support to refugees and asylum seekers. We considered ways in which we could encourage those in our Baptist movement to ‘have eyes to see’ the asylum seekers and refugees in our communities and become places of sanctuary. We considered our Baptist history and identity; we have been those who have been outspoken and given voice to those whose voice is not heard – how is that reflected in our mission across our Union now? Actions: Disseminate useful resources through Associations to our churches that help them engage in issues surrounding asylum seekers and refugees, specifically ‘Weaving Trust’ (Citizens UK) to combat the polarising rhetoric around asylum seekers and refugees, and the ‘Witness Course’ as a guide to supporting those who are seeking asylum.

A request to CLT to commission the Theology Group to consider a ‘theology of sanctuary’ in the light of our Baptist identity and history.

To consider bringing a Resolution to Assembly 2025 regarding a call to the Church to create places of sanctuary and support for refugees, and a public call to government from our Union to increasingly work with the Church in the development of humane and ethical policies related to the treatment of asylum seekers.
Baptist Assembly – Diane Watts led a discussion about Baptist Assembly 2025. Mission Forum agreed to delegate some of our members to work alongside the Faith & Society team in the development of a mission-focussed programme for Assembly and to work with our Associations to promote this over the coming year. 

Roy Searle led our closing devotions. This was Roy’s last Mission Forum as a member of the Organising Team. Penny Marsh prayed God’s blessing on Roy and the Mission Forum expressed their gratitude to Roy for the part he has played in helping to create a such a diverse group of equals who gather to discern where God is at work across our nation and how we can encourage those in our Baptist movement to engage with God’s mission. 


Sandra Crawford chairs Baptists Together Mission Forum


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