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The Revd Raymond Charles Bolton: 1918-2024 

Baptist minister who faithfully told the story of God’s love in Jesus for more than 80 years

The Revd Raymond Charles BoltoRaymond was born in Bath, Somerset, where, at the age of 17, he became convinced of God’s call to the ministry, and began accompanying his uncle, a lay pastor, to take services in small local churches.

His plans were delayed by the second World War, when he was grateful to be conscripted into the Royal Army Medical Corps, with a Red Cross armband instead of a rifle, and found like-minded companions who together took services, held prayer meetings and supported local Christian groups wherever they were posted.

In 1946, he took up a place at South Wales Baptist College in Cardiff and, having met and married Dorothy on completion of the course, they moved to Chesham, Buckinghamshire to their first pastorate at Zion Baptist Church. Raymond and Dorothy were very much a team and made a significant impact in each church where they served – Chesham being followed by West Leigh Baptist Church, Leigh-on-Sea, High Road Baptist Church, Ilford and Wellington Square Baptist Church, Hastings. They are still fondly remembered by people who knew them in each of those pastorates.

In retirement, Raymond and Dorothy moved to Holland-on-Sea, where Raymond continued his ministry to small local churches needing preachers. Then in Berkhamsted, Herts and finally Billericay, Essex, he contributed to the work of the churches where he and Dorothy were members. 

After Dorothy died in 2009, Raymond continued to take occasional services at Ramsden Bellhouse Baptist Church until the age of 99.  Seeing this small, elderly man standing at the front, the congregation might have wondered what he could possibly have to say that was worth hearing. But his powerful preaching voice never failed with age, his sermons were always relevant, with illustrations from current affairs, and his prayers were often about events and issues in the news that week.

He was always a great story-teller and, as well as entertaining family and friends, he used this God-given talent to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ for 82 years.

Raymond and Dorothy’s children, Margaret and Steve, five grandchildren and six great-grandchildren were proud to be able to tell our friends when our Dad, Grandpa, and Great-grandpa reached 100, and then, for a further five years, continued to be so engaged with our lives and that of the outside world. 

Raymond died peacefully in his sleep on 18 January 2024, at the care home where he had lived for the last six months of his life. All those who knew and loved him feel privileged to have been influenced by him in so many different ways – and we thank God for him and his long, well-lived life. 

Well done, good and faithful servant!


Margaret Nicholls



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     The Baptist Times 
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