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'It's very much a kingdom story' 

Barnwell Baptist Church in Cambridge is inviting people to learn more about how it's embracing a missional opportunity on a new housing development


Do you have an interest in building a Christian presence in a new housing development?
Maybe you’re exploring something in your own neighbourhood and want to learn from what others are doing? Or maybe you’re keen to support something already happening, in prayer or finance or by being part of the fledgling Christian presence as it takes root?
If so, a vision sharing event in Cambridge on 20 October could be for you.
Barnwell Baptist Church is inviting people to learn more about its journey on the new Marleigh development.
Marleigh is a short drive from church’s location in the east of Cambridge which will eventually grow to 1300 homes. Currently around 160 homes are occupied.
Barnwell Baptist Church has been exploring and praying about its response to the development for a decade, with members united in a desire to grow a Jesus-worshipping community there.
In 2021 the church appointed Catrin Horrex as pioneer minister-in-training to lead this missional opportunity, thanks to the support of an Eastern Baptist Association Home Mission grant and the Baptist Insurance Company. The church is currently raising funds to buy a house there.
Over the past year, it has been encouraging for the church to connect with other pioneers and practitioners up and down the country who have shared their experiences and helped shape its local response.
Marleigh Vision sharing dayThe church is now bringing together anyone interested in the development for a vision sharing day on Thursday, 20 October.
It wants people to hear the story of its journey, from the early days of partnership with local developers through to the exciting current day realisation of a missional opportunity that is 10 years in the making.
On the day there will be a church leaders’ lunch, presentation and tour of the development. The church will then host a drop-in during the late afternoon and early evening, aimed at members of congregations who may be interested in the journey, and are in a position to help in practical ways: some may be thinking of relocating there (‘There's something really exciting about setting up in a place from scratch, being there at the start of something,’ says Catrin.)
Others may be in a position to invest or help financially.
‘We would love to welcome you to come and hear our story and to have a look around the development,’ said minister Stuart Wood.
‘We want to encourage other churches – new builds are a great way for churches to grow.
‘But more than that this a story of audaciously asking for God’s provision. Barnwell is one of the poorest parts of the city and we are not a big church – around 50 members. Historically Baptist churches don't plant when they're this small, but this is what's happening here.’
Catrin has now been in place for a year. 'It's still very early days, but it's so interesting watching the community grow,’ she says. 
'Currently there's no community space, apart from the primary school, but there is a hunger for community. When we surveyed them, residents said they simply wanted a place to meet and get to know each other.
‘We've been building relationships, doing a walking club each week, gathering a small community of young families via whatsapp and growing links with the new primary school. But we can’t wait to live onsite. The vision for the house is that it will be a place of hospitality and stories. We want to welcome and host people, but we also want to listen to their stories and to see what God grows.
‘So the house is key - this will be a home and a place of welcome, and we’d be grateful for any support.’
Stuart adds, ‘God has called us to this and we trust him to provide. People here really have a heart for planting and growing.
‘It's about God and vision and stepping out in faith. It's very much a kingdom story, and we want to share that.’ 

The Barnwell Baptist Church at Marleigh Vision Day takes place on Thursday, 20 October, with a church leaders lunch from 12.30-2pm, and and a drop-in from 4.30-8.00pm.

Contact Catrin Horrex (catrin@barnwellbaptistchurch.org.uk) or Stuart Wood if you are interested in attending or want to learn more about the development (stuart@barnwellbaptistchurch.org.uk)


Baptist Times, 03/10/2022
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