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'The change became evident in his life' 

The resurrection power of Jesus was demonstrated through a new life through faith in Jesus Christ by the baptism of Colm Lynch at Nansen Road Baptist Church, Ipswich on Easter Sunday

Colm Lynch baptismThe Nansen Road Baptist Church, Ipswich celebrated a great Easter celebration on Easter Sunday, 21 April, 2019 through the Water Baptism of Colm Lynch.

The first time Colm came to church was with his brother Emmanuel who is one of our deacons. Emmanuel gladly welcomed and encouraged him to come to church. It was very much like the Biblical account of Andrew meeting Jesus who than looked for his brother Simon Peter to tell him that he has found the Messiah. Andrew and Peter were called to be disciples of Jesus.

Colm is from Ireland and comes from a Roman Catholic background. He had lost his faith in God due to the family crisis to the point that he had become an atheist. As he began to come to church, he felt welcomed by the church family at Nansen Road Baptist Church. The minister the Revd Peterson Anand spent time in discipleship of Colm to explain that it is not about religion but a living relationship with God.

He explained that it is about being born again by the Holy Spirit to accept Jesus as his personal Saviour and Lord. Colm began to understand about his faith in Jesus Christ and became excited about God’s love and grace to transform his life to receive salvation and eternal life. The change became evident in his life through his experience of peace and joy. He began to take part in outreaches of the church, such as helping in the kitchen as he has been a chef professionally.

He has started witnessing about Jesus through his testimony. He has taken up some of the administration of the church. He believes that God has a great plan for his life, and he can trust him fully to provide all his needs according to His riches in glory. Pastor Peterson Anand is committed to provide him prayerful support with further Bible teachings through discipleship to strengthen him in this journey of faith. He has also applied for the membership of the church.

The church and his immediate family had witnessed his baptism followed by a ‘Bring & Share Lunch’ fellowship of the church family after the Easter and baptism service. The baptism of Colm has begun to impact the lives of his non-church going family and friends. During this service a lady from the family and a couple who witnessed the baptism have shown interest in Jesus.

'We believe, the Spirit of the living God is moving in our church through our worship, God’s word and discipleship of new believers in Christ,' said Peterson. 'We rejoice together and give all the glory to our Lord Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit to enable us to serve our great and awesome God.'

Baptist Times, 09/05/2019
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