Prayer following helicopter tragedy
There has been an outpouring of prayer for a Baptist pastor whose two sons died in a helicopter crash in the Grand Canyon at the weekend
Stuart and Jason Hill from West Sussex were killed alongside Stuart’s girlfriend Becky Dobson when the helicopter they were travelling in crashed on Saturday (10 February).
Stuart, 30, and Jason, 32, were the sons of the Revd David Hill, a former pastor of Broadwater Baptist Church in Worthing, and currently a chaplain at Worthing and St Richard’s (Chichester Hospitals). The brothers were well known and loved by many in the church, which shared the following prayer image on its Facebook page. That post has subsequently been shared more than 400 times.

In a statement released via the Foreign Office, David and wife Sandra said their sons were ‘inseparable brothers’ and ‘remarkable people’ who will be ‘deeply missed by so many people’.
‘We always said they were so close they were like twins and we will find some support in knowing they were with each other to the last,’ the statement added.
‘We will thank God every day for having them in our lives.’
They said that they were praying for those injured and that their ‘hearts go out to Becky's family’.
Broadwater Baptist Church will open each Tuesday between 11am and 12 noon ‘for those who wish to spend some time in prayer for the Hill family and their loved ones.’
St Matthew’s Church in Worthing will host a service of prayer this Friday. The South Eastern Baptist Association contacted its members on Monday to request prayer for David and Sandra, as well as current Broadwater pastor Jason Gain as he ministers to the town.
Baptist Times, 14/02/2018