Application for a Grant from the Baptists Together Pastoral Fund
Empowering acts of kindness
In conjunction with the Psalms and Hymns Support Fund (registered charity no. 1089179)
Grants are available to help address individual needs; these may result from financial hardship or may represent a personal difficulty which can be assisted by financial support. You can apply for yourself or make an application on behalf of somebody else.
Applications to the Baptists Together Pastoral Fund are welcome from Baptist workers, ie:
Accredited or non-accredited Baptist ministers or youth or family workers, in a Baptist Union of Great Britain (BUGB) church
Other people employed by a BUGB church, Association, College or by the Baptist Union
Mission workers working with BMS World Mission or other people employed by BMS.
We are delighted to be working alongside the Psalms and Hymns Support Fund (registered charity no. 1089179). Applications to the Psalms and Hymns Support Fund are welcome from:
Widows, widowers and orphans of Baptist ministers, mission workers and accredited church workers
Retired Baptist ministers, retired mission workers and retired accredited church workers.
If applying for yourself, please note: The nominated referee should usually be one of the following:
A Baptist Regional Minister
One of the Specialist Team Leaders or General Secretary of Baptists Together
A senior staff member of BMS World Mission
Where this is not appropriate, please provide an alternative referee and explanation in the application.
Both BMS World Mission and your Regional Minister should be familiar with the background to your application and able to confirm your need for financial support. It may be necessary for them to contact you for further details.
If applying on behalf of someone else please insert your own contact details as the ‘referee’ but note in the text the Association to which the person receiving the grant belongs.
Unless you tell us otherwise we will use the personal information that you have provided to us, in accordance with our Data Protection Policy and our Privacy Statement. If we are unable to use your information it may affect our ability to work with you. Click here for our
Privacy Statement.
Please explain why a grant is needed (applications will not be accepted for student bursaries or sabbatical study):