Most Baptist churches have property. It may be a church building or a residential property (often used as a manse for a minister, a burial ground, or an investment property. Here are links to information about:
Church Sites and Buildings – including ownership, maintenance, buying, selling, hiring and leases.
Redevelopment and Alterations – including church buildings, houses, guidance and information.
Manses and Residential Buildings – buying, selling, shared ownership, letting, some special financial arrangements that can apply to ministers, and leaflets about manse occupancy.
Listed Buildings – of special interest to the 320 churches whose church site is listed as being of special architectural or historic interest.
Burial Grounds – and the special rules that apply to Baptist churches
You can find leaflets on these topics through the links on this page, through the website search facility, or by clicking on the ‘Resources’ tab at the top of every page.
In addition churches thinking about a new-build scheme or major renovation project may find the 'Church Building Projects' website helpful. It has been created by two people who have worked with a number of churches undertaking substantial new-build or redevelopment schemes.