Redevelopment and Alterations
Maintenance and routine repairs are important, see our page on Church Buildings ownership and maintenance, but sometimes buildings need to be changed and extended. The leaflet
Redeveloping or Altering Church premises contains guidance and suggestions about useful resources. The information is based on our experience of supporting churches, to highlight the opportunities and help you avoid the problems!
For churches in trust with one of the Baptist Trust Corporations please contact your Property Trustee when any alterations are proposed -
look at the leaflet PC04 for details of the information that will be needed.
Churches thinking about undergoing a major renovation project may find the
'Church Building Projects' website helpful. It has been created by two people who have worked with a number of churches undertaking substantial new-build or redevelopment schemes.
Before making any alterations please check very carefully whether your building is listed. - if it is then special consent is needed for any changes - please see our
section on Listed Buildings.
Building projects and alterations
PC04 Redeveloping or Altering Church Premises
PC05 Construction (Design and Management) Regulations
PC06 Redeveloping or Building Church Premises - Contract Procurement - The Alternatives
You can locate these leaflets in several ways – through the links on this page, through the website search facility, or by clicking on the ‘Resources’ tab at the top of every page.