Accessing pastoral supervision and spiritual direction
Are you looking for a clear pathway for development in your work as a minister, or do you sense the need to put in place a more structured form of accompaniment along the way?
One of the five habits of CMD is to engage in some form of accountability through mentoring, pastoral supervision, spiritual direction, coaching, soul friends, or learning communities. The Ministries Team has now compiled a list of those colleagues who are trained and qualified to offer either spiritual direction or pastoral supervision. The list will grow as others offer to be included and complete the necessary application form. Most are themselves accredited ministers. A few are not, but have long shown their commitment to the wider Baptist family.
This list is available to all Accredited Ministers, Nationally Recognised Pastors, and Recognised Local Ministers who may wish to receive pastoral supervision or spiritual direction. In addition, some of the pastoral supervisors and spiritual directors on the list are also willing to offer their services to those who are neither accredited nor recognised, but are in a clearly defined leadership role in a Baptist church or missional setting. If you fall into any of these categories, then you are welcome to ask for the list by sending an email to the Accompaniment Coordinator via this contact form.
Once the list is sent to you, you will be able to make a direct approach to someone who is qualified and willing to help. Please note that we are unable to recommend one pastoral supervisor or spiritual director over another. Rather, we are simply signposting you towards those who have confirmed to us that they have received appropriate training for the accompaniment they provide, and in safeguarding. They have also confirmed they are insured and have the appropriate DBS check. Their depth of experience, measured by the hours of supervision or direction they have offered over time, is noted on the list.
These forms of accompaniment have undoubtedly been a growth area in recent years, and have been of immense benefit to those who have engaged with them. There is usually a cost involved, and the recommendation in the CMD framework is that where possible this is met by the church or the employer where you are serving. The details of this would need to be discussed as each individual arrangement is set up.
If you are yourself a minister trained in spiritual direction or pastoral supervision and you wish to be added to the list, please get in touch with the Accompaniment Coordinator via this contact form .
If you are a minister looking for training in these disciplines, or if you simply want to find out more about them, please read our brief guide to accessing and practising accompaniment.
A more personal addition from the Accompaniment Coordinator:
I am relatively new to this, having received accompaniment for several years towards the end of my full-time local church ministry and having trained as a pastoral supervisor. The more I become involved myself the more I am convinced that this is an immensely valuable way to build resilience, deepen understanding and clarify vision in all the many and various challenges of ministry today. I look forward to hearing from you if you either wish to see or to join the list of those offering spiritual direction and pastoral supervision.
Revd Paul Campion
Accompaniment Coordinator
Photo by Christian Bisbo Johnsen on Unsplash