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The practice of centering prayer 

In this video Jonathan Vaughan Davies, minister of Bethel Baptist Church, Cardiff invites Rosa Hunt, co-principal of Cardiff Baptist College, to introduce the practice of centering prayer.

Rosa explains how she realised her prayer life was insufficient to cope with a series of challenges shortly after her ordination.

She subsequently discovered a more contemplative way of praying through a book by Thomas Keating

The practice of centering prayer is very simple - you sit in silence, and every time a thought comes into your head, you let it go via a particular simple word of your choosing.

'It's the idea of emptying yourself - as Jesus did - to bring yourself closer to the Father,' Rosa says.

'And it's no exaggeration to say it has transformed my prayer life and relationship with God.'

Together Rosa and Jon practise centering prayer, after which Jon reflects on his experience.

Access the video to find out more:

This video was created to accompany the Summer 2024 edition of Baptists Together magazine, which focused on prayer


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The practice of centering prayer 
In this video Jonathan Vaughan Davies, minister of Bethel Baptist Church, Cardiff invites Rosa Hunt, co-principal of Cardiff Baptist College, to introduce the practice of centering prayer
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