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Webinar: Churches’ engagement with Police on critical incidents

Following the fatal Metropolitan Police-related shooting of Chris Kaba in south London on 5 September 2022, churches and faith-based organisations have appealed for compassion and justice for a wounded community. The Racial Justice Advocacy Forum has been calling for prayers for the Kaba family, for Chris’ friends and the wider community. The RJAF is also appealing to the IOPC (Independent Office for Police Conduct) for a timely investigation in order to help restore confidence and reduce the rising tensions in the area. The RJAF is keen to point out that churches and parachurch groups have experience in working as conduits in communities that have been alienated from the police, and to offer support to those who are seeking to develop a dialogue around these concerns.

This webinar, first streamed live on 29 September 2022, aimed to better equip churches and communities to respond to critical incidents, and to engage with the police to build a safer society.

Webinar: Restitution of African and Caribbean artefacts and human remains

This webinar on Monday 27 June, hosted by the Racial Justice Advocacy Forum (RAJF) and the African Foundation for Development (AFFORD), focused on the restitution of items now in the possession of museums, galleries, cathedrals and churches. These items, which are originally from Africa and the Caribbean, include priceless artefacts and human remains.

The latest in a series of RJAF webinars exploring reparations, it covered:

  • What ‘restitution’ means in this context
  • What are the items in question?
  • Who has them?
  • What should be done?

Webinar: The Migration, People of Colour and Nationality and Borders bill

This webinar on 28 March 2022 was hosted by CTBI’s Racial Justice Advocacy Forum in partnership with Churches Together in England, the Evangelical Alliance and the Joint Public Issues Team. The panel shared the potential consequences of the Nationality and Borders Bill, what it means for our churches and discussed its adverse impact on those seeking asylum and citizenship of people of colour living in the UK.


Webinar: Setting us free

This webinar on 21 March 2022, in partnership with the Movement for Justice and Reconciliation and the Sankofa Collective, explored how to heal the 400 years of damage caused by enslavement and racism to Black Christians. Listen again to an international panel of theologians and thinkers as they grapple with one of the most problematic but often ignored issues in society.


Webinar: Reparations and Economics: What Do I Get?
This webinar, originally streamed live on 17 January 2022, was chaired by Revd Alton Bell and featured Priya Lukka, Karen Campbell and Sarah Edwards who explored reparations – discussing everything from trade, aid, development, the banking system and the churches’ response.

Webinar: I Will Repay: The Church and Reparations

During this webinar, originally streamed live on Wednesday 6 October 2021, several of the keenest minds in the British and Caribbean churches explored the issue of reparations, one of the most topical, yet misunderstood issues in both Church and society. Watch Professor Robert Beckford, Eleasah Louis, Revd Ronald Nathan and Dionne Gravesande as they discuss various perspectives and positions on reparations.

This was the first in a series of webinars that will look at how the Church can be equipped to speak with theological confidence on reparations, and how Christian work around this issue can be solidified.

This webinar was hosted by the Racial Justice Advocacy Forum, The National Church Leaders Forum and The Movement for Justice and Reconciliation.
Webinar: A moment of dishonour? - Racism, Sewell and the Christian Response
This webinar, first live streamed on 14 April 2021, was a fantastic opportunity to hear from some of the keenest minds in Church and society on this report, and for participants to share their opinions on these issues. The expert panel consisted of: Dr Robert Beckford, Sir Simon Woolley, Ven Dr Rosemarie Mallett, Eleasah Louis, Clare Williams, Dr R David Muir and the Revd Wale Hudson-Roberts. It was a joint event hosted in partnership with the Racial Justice Advocacy Forum, the Baptist Union of Great Britain and Churches Together in Britain and Ireland (CTBI).
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