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Where do we grow from here?

Our President for 2019-20 was Ken Benjamin who took office at our Assembly in May. 
The theme for his Presidency was Where do we grow from here? which included looking at Whole-Life Discipleship and Missional Communities.

Follow the links below to view videos in which Ken introduced this theme.

Small Group Studies
Ken also produced a series of studies to accompany the videos.  These are suitable for small groups in churches that want to explore their purpose and mission and how they can reach out more effectively to their own generation.  The studies will also be helpful for individuals wanting to ask themselves more personal questions about their own purpose and mission.  Click here for the series overview.  Individual studies are available to download for each episode.
Episode 1 - New Chapter
Click here to download Small Group study 1

Click here to download a PDF of just the questions for each small group study (so that you can give this to each person without providing the answers).

Click here to download the New Chapter video to share with your small group.

Episode 2 - Moving the Goal Posts
Episode 3 - Practice and Principles
Episode 4 - Bold Experiments
Episode 5 - Convinced and Compelled  
Episode 6 - Where do we grow from here
Episode 7 - On our watch
Episode 8 - Whole life discipleship
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