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Bible Study / Reflection for groups or individuals

During her year as President of our Union, Dianne Tidball provided the following reflection material for groups and individuals to use. 

Using the reflections for groups and individuals on the theme of 'As in heaven'.

A few tips:
1  There will be one reflection each month for one year, which can be copied and used by both groups and individuals.

2  The aim of each of the reflections is to help groups and individuals to think about the theme of 'As in heaven' in the light of what the Bible teaches and to grow in understanding of how we can live well as disciples of Jesus Christ.

3  Approach each reflection with prayer asking that God might inspire and help you, by his Spirit, to encounter him and to know his presence in a deeper way and to live more effectively for him.

4  Read the notes carefully – they are to help you think through Biblical teaching and to apply it to yourself but do not feel you have to agree with it all or to answer or respond to every question or comment.

5  Each reflection could take half an hour or many hours depending on how long you wish to spend on each part.  One reflection may cover two or three individual or group times.  The material is to support you not to control you.

6  If you are leading a small group:
  • Prepare carefully for the group session, go through the material and ensure you have copies of the notes and Bibles for everyone.
  • Check that the room you are meeting in is comfortable, well lit and warm enough.  As people arrive be welcoming and help them to feel relaxed and valued.
  • Do not speak too much!  The aim of a small group is that everyone participates – anyone who dominates should be encouraged to listen to others and let all have an opportunity to speak.
  • Create a safe context for people to express their opinions and thoughts.  Be generous as you listen; even if people express diverse opinions encourage mutual respect. 'Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves.'  Romans 12:10.
  • While it is good to explore different threads of thought it is important to keep on focus and bring things back to the theme.
  • Don’t worry about silence when you have asked for people’s opinions or asked a question.  Group members will need time to think – never answer your own question, do rephrase questions to help the group understand.
  • Summarise key points as you go along and before you bring the group to a close ask “what has God said to us” or “what is our response to God from what we have focussed on today".

7  Expect God to be at work through his written word.   Ask that God might give you a hunger for his presence and for an encounter with him as you take time to consider 'As in heaven'.

May your Kingdom come your will be done on earth as in heaven.  Matthew 6:9

Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.  James 4:8

Please click on the titles below to find these reflections.
Session 6: Beauty for ashes
God's Kingdom is always about transforming death to life, darkness to light, ashes to beauty More ...
Session 5: Like a child
Insights into discipleship and community 'As in heaven' More ...
Session 4: The Kingdom – God’s purposes 'As in heaven'
The Kingdom of God is 'the reign and rule of God in the lives of God’s people'. More ...
Session 3: From Telescope to Microscope
Seeing God in the ordinary things of life More ...
Session 2: Worship
Worship is about honouring and submitting to God More ...
Session 1: Reign of God
Righteousness and peace kiss each other More ...

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Session 6: Beauty for ashes
God's Kingdom is always about transforming death to life, darkness to light, ashes to beauty
Session 5: Like a child
Insights into discipleship and community 'As in heaven'
Session 4: The Kingdom – God’s purposes 'As in heaven'
The Kingdom of God is 'the reign and rule of God in the lives of God’s people'.
Session 3: From Telescope to Microscope
Seeing God in the ordinary things of life
Session 2: Worship
Worship is about honouring and submitting to God
Session 1: Reign of God
Righteousness and peace kiss each other
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