Election for the Baptists Together President 2026-7
Further to our call for nominations for the position of Baptists Together President in 2026-7, and following the stipulations of our constitution, we have received four nominations and these are now offered for election.
We hope that all our churches will be keen to engage with this important decision. Please do prayerfully consider which candidate you believe should serve our Union as President. The question for discernment is '
Who is God calling to be the President of our Union in the coming season?'
Click here for more information about the role of the President.
The four candidates are (in alphabetical order):-
Alex Afriyie (nominated by London Baptists and the West of England Baptist Network)
Charmaine Mhlanga (nominated by Central Baptist Association)
Carl Smethurst (nominated by South West Baptist Association)
Joanna Williams (nominated by Northern Baptist Association)
To help the discernment process, each candidate has provided a short profile with information about the theme and focus they would wish to explore should they be successful, along with a video to introduce themselves.
Election Survey
We will be discerning using an electronic vote.
Information about how to participate has been sent to all ministers eligible to vote and to church secretaries (by email, or by post where this is not possible). Click here for information about who is eligible to participate in the discernment process.
Voting will close on 31 March, and we will announce our new Vice-President as soon as possible.
If you have any questions or comments about the candidates or election process, please contact the Faith and Society Team.