Employment law is complicated but churches recruiting and employing staff need to know what is required.
Employed staff will include cleaners, administrators, youth workers and anyone you may be paying to perform tasks for the church. Ministers are not covered by this guidance. For more information on appointing Ministers, including their status and terms of appointment
please see the Ministries Team pages.
Employment leaflet is a guide to employment legislation including, recruitment, equal opportunities, contracts of employment, disciplinary and grievance procedures. The
Equality Law and your church suite of resources has been prepared with Anthony Collins Solicitors to help your church to understand and apply the provisions of the Equality Act 2010 in relation to discrimination on the grounds of religion and belief. .
L08 Employment leaflet
L09 Equality Law and your church
You can find leaflets on this topic through the links on this page, through the website search facility, or by clicking on the ‘Resources’ tab at the top of every page.