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Yorkshire Baptist Association

About Associations YBAThe Yorkshire Baptist Association (Inc) is a worshipping community of more than 100 churches, and we are called together to grow healthy churches that are dependent on God. Our aim is to encourage Baptist churches to grow in the areas of discipleship, evangelism, leadership and spirituality and to build relationships with one another. At the heart of our strategy is our commitment to mission, stronger relationships, active partnerships, and training and mentoring leaders.

The YBA Team takes seriously the concerns of the local church, and we are with you in the challenges and the celebrations.  We affirm that God is at the centre of everything we do.

Team Leader and Regional Minister: Graham Ensor

Regional Minister: Nike Adebajo

Regional Minister: Alex Harris - Church Planting and Pioneering

Discipleship Enabler: Peter Dunn

Legal & Property Officer: Ann Chesworth

Children, Youth and Families Enabler: Jodie Thorpe

Office Manager: Debbie Gamble

Admin support: Iris Cheung

Finance Officer: Hannah Harris

Young Adult Lead: Naomi Fennell

17-19 York Place
Leeds LS1 2EX
Phone: 0113 278 4954
Contact YBA via email
Website: www.yba.org.uk

Registered Number 181581 England
Registered Charity 247173
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