Lynn Green, our General Secretary says 'We all know that prayer is vital for our worship and mission. Fulfilling Jesus’ Great Commandment and Great Commission needs to be rooted in heartfelt and persistent prayer. I am so grateful to the Lord for all the faithful prayer that is offered across Baptists Together in so many different ways. Here at the start of 2025 I want to call our movement to a continued commitment to prayer in the year ahead. I want us to be praying for our mission so that people will encounter Jesus and surrender their lives to following him. I want us to be praying for God’s coming Kingdom in our communities as we seek to be salt and light in those places. I want us to be praying that the whole Body of Christ will rise up, living and witnessing to Jesus every day and sharing the reason for the hope that we have.
With this in mind I want us to continue to pray into the Project Violet research findings so that we can express our lament and through this also share our hope for a future where every believer can fully play their part in God’s Kingdom purposes'.
23-30 March 2025 is being highlighted as a week of prayer and it would be great if as many of our churches as possible could be praying as they gather throughout that week.
Let’s join together in prayer however we can and encourage others to pray too.