Faith and Society Update - October 2024
Dear Friends
Welcome to October’s Faith and Society update, providing a selection of good news stories, resources, and events.
“But…” we hear the cry; “autumn has definitely arrived in weather and workload!” You may feel you don’t even have time to read the rest of this introducti…
Hoping you’re still here, let us quickly say why this month’s mailing is worth at least a speed scroll:
Baptist Assembly – now has a three-year strategic mission focus which will also offer national discussion and resolutions. We would like you there.
Presidency – Could you or someone you know serve Baptists Together by becoming our President during 2026-7? Full details now available.
Challenge poverty week 14-20 Oct. It is a time to act together to end poverty, to tell people in power what needs to change, and to help enable everyone to thrive. Resources from JPIT are here to help you speak into this.
Black History month. October is Black History Month and there are a number of home-grown resources for you and your church community to reflect on.
Everyone Everywhere conference. Are you passionate about seeing new Christian communities spring up in places where they’re most needed? If so do book into the conference happening 8 October.
Constituency Action Network. The Joint Public Issues Team (JPIT) is encouraging all churches to let their MP know that they care, and are praying for them. See here for more information.
We hope the above and the other information shared offers a blessing to you and those you are called to serve during this busy autumn period.
Every blessing
Diane, Hilary, Jane, Londy, Mary, Mat, Mike, Paul, Sharon, Steve and Wale
Faith and Society Team
Please click here for the complete Update for October 2024. If you would like to receive it by email, please subscribe by completing the 'Get regular news updates' form below.
The Monthly Update is sent on the first Wednesday of every month to all ministers in Baptist Union of GB churches, church secretaries, church treasurers, regional teams and other subscribers. If you would like to receive it by email, please subscribe by completing the 'Sign up to our newsletter' form below.