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Launch of St Hild Centre for Baptist Ministry 

St Hild College has announced the launch of the St Hild Centre for Baptist Ministry, for the training and formation of missional leaders for the Baptist family

St Hild Centre for Baptist MinThe St Hild Centre for Baptist Ministry was accepted into membership of the Baptist Union of Great Britain and prayed for at the March 2024 Baptist Union Council. 

The centre will join in the shared task of raising and equipping leaders into the future through a programme of formation for Baptist Ministers in Training and study opportunities for Baptist students. 

In a press release the college stated its vision is that 'the church and Kingdom of God across the North of England would be strengthened and renewed by this Centre and those trained here.'

St Hild College is a pioneering theological education provider with teaching centres in Sheffield, Mirfield, Lincoln and online. It has around 180 students across its sites including Anglican ordinands, curates and readers, Baptists, and students from multiple denominations. 

St Hild has a long history of partnership with the East Midlands and Yorkshire Baptist Associations and together they have prayed and talked about how best to meet the theological education needs and missional aspirations of Baptists in the region. 

'We are grateful for the support of others within the Baptist Union as we discussed the creation of this Centre,' the release stated.

Graham Ensor, Vice-Chair of St Hild Council and Regional Team Leader of the YBA, is excited by the potential of this new venture.

He said, 'The St Hild Centre for Baptist Ministry is a wonderful opportunity to equip and strengthen local Baptist churches across our region.

'We know there are many gifted women and men who will hear the call of God to leadership and service and will find the centre to be an inspiring place for formation and transformation as they respond to that call.'

Sally Nelson, Dean of Baptist Formation at St Hild. She said, 'I’ve taught and tutored BMiTs and students for many years and seen how important it is that their formation and study is robust and supportive.

'I’m hopeful for all the ways the St Hild Centre for Baptist Ministry will provide this in our region.' 

Daniel McGinnis, Principal of St Hild, highlighted how the Centre for Baptist Ministry builds on the ecumenical heritage of the college.

He said, 'St Hild has been a partnership between Anglicans and Baptists (and other church traditions) since its very beginning and this is an exciting step for us.

'Our prayer is that many Baptists are equipped and empowered through formation and study at the Centre for Baptist Ministry and that this supports churches in their work to build God’s Kingdom.'

Anyone interested in study with the Centre can find out more (including open day dates) on its website here

There will be a launch celebration of the Centre for Baptist Ministry in Sheffield on 30 September and more information on that will follow. It is also recruiting a full-time Director and information about the role, as well as how to apply, will be released soon. 

'We are praying for someone who shares our vision for the centre and feels called to bring their gifts and experience to lead this work,' the release continued.  

Baptist Union Council welcomed the St Hild Centre for Baptist Ministry as a College member of the Baptist Union of Great Britain at its October 2023 meeting - read more here




Baptist Times, 27/03/2024
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