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‘I beg you, bear with one another in love’ 

The Christian Women of Palestine are calling us to connect with the land from where Jesus came on this year’s World Day of Prayer

WDP Palestine

World Day of Prayer is an international, inter-church organisation, led by women, which enables us to hear the thoughts of those women from all parts of the world: their hopes, concerns, and prayers in services on the first Friday of March. It was previously known as the Women’s World Day of Prayer.
Many churches around the UK will be holding a World Day of Prayer Service this year, using materials prepared by the women of Palestine.
In the service, whose theme is ‘I beg you, bear with one another in love’ (Eph 4), the women invite participants to pray for peace, justice and freedom of religion and movement. They request prayer for women, refugees, the sick, dying and grieving.
Dina Nasser, a Christian Palestinian nurse, says, ‘I hope on the occasion of the World Day of Prayer, as we pray for peace and justice on earth, we remember that taking a stand for justice does not allow us the luxury of choice.
‘It is a moral stand that we should uphold for all the oppressed in this world, be they Palestinians, Syrians, Yemenis or Ukrainians.
‘How can we remain silent and only speak up when it is acceptable to do so? Please take action; we have heard enough statements of concern!’

The invitation to write the service is offered several years in advance, meaning it happened before the latest hostilities sparked by the Hamas assault on Israel on 7 October.

The WDP committee in Palestine published the following statement on 13 October, requesting prayer for all those suffering in Israel and Palestine, adding, 'We hold steadfast to the hope that one day the people in this land will enjoy the peace and prosperity they so rightfully deserve.'

They also shared this additional prayer for Gaza, written by students at Bethlehem Bible College.
Amanda Allchorn serves on the WDP National Committee. She says, ‘Despite living in an area of the world where there is ongoing conflict and the future is uncertain, the women of Palestine are sharing with love a reminder that they are there, and they want to give hope to everyone.
‘The theme ‘bear with one another in love’ seems very appropriate for these women who will not give up witnessing the love of Jesus Christ.’
Over the last three months, many churches from across the British Isles have been holding Preparation Days, becoming familiar with the resources offered by WDP ahead of 1 March 2024.
Among these there is a Bible Study that calls us to ask what it means to bear with someone in love, and a children's programme inviting children to reflect on how standing together in love makes us all feel stronger and less alone. 

Also provided is the Country Background to Palestine, giving information about the history and culture of the country. It mentions places that have significance for Christians, being the birthplace of Christianity. It also reflects on the role of women in Palestinian society, and the history of the World Day of Prayer movement in Palestine.? 

The Day of Prayer is celebrated in over 146 countries. It begins in Samoa and prayer in native languages travels throughout the world - through Asia, Africa, the Middle East, Europe and the Americas before finishing in American Samoa some 38 hours later. 

For further information and resources, together with details of services in your area, see the WDP website: wwdp.org.uk 


Baptist Times, 18/02/2024
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