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'An opportunity for Baptists to engage with some great theology' 

Paul Fiddes and Alex Harris are the keynote speakers at this year's Baptist Theology North on 7 June, when the theme is Baptist Church: Back to the Future?

Paul Fiddes and Alex HarrisPaul has a wealth of knowledge on Baptist life as well as being a systematic theologian. He has taught generations of ministers at Regent’s Park College in Oxford, where he is Principal Emeritus, and is a key theologian within the life of Baptists Together.

Alex is a regional minister with the Yorkshire Baptist Association with specific responsibilities for pioneering ministry and church planting. He encourages and develops new forms of Baptist church nationwide, and is researching church planting for his doctoral work.

Baptist Theology North 2024 takes place on 7 June at New North Road Baptist Church in Huddersfield, and the theme is Baptist Church: Back to the Future? As well as the keynote presentations from Paul and Alex, there is space in the programme for others to present a short paper. 

'This is a vital part of the annual event and offers an opportunity to try out a theological idea in a friendly environment,' says Sally Nelson, who organises the event alongside fellow Baptist ministers Keith Jones and Mark Janes. 

'Baptist Theology North began in 2010 and has met annually apart from a break for Covid. 

'It offers an opportunity to Baptists to engage with some great theology and to be excited about faith and mission in new ways.

'The day is distinguished by its focus on conversation, discussion and shared ideas, and possibly the most important part of Baptist Theology North is lunch, allowing us to meet old and new friends, explore the themes, and get fresh inspiration for our minds.' 

If you are interested, contact Sally Nelson for more information, or to book a place, at sally.nelson@sthild.org.

If you’d like to offer a short paper, please contact Sally – there is room for six short papers in total. Access the flyer for the day here.

Baptist Times, 24/01/2024
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