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Baptist artists together 

Introducing Pilgrimage, a gathering of Baptist artists keen to develop a community where art and faith can explore and express the Gospel 

Baptists Art Together1

‘Working together requires trust and the idea of going on a pilgrimage and seeing art develop through this journey will hopefully create new connections’

Faith and art have a long history together; they have been companions through the ages. Yet for reformed traditions like Baptists, the missional, Kingdom, pastoral and theological avenues this partnership opens has rarely been explored in depth by our churches.
‘Pilgrimage’ is a gathering of Baptist Artists keen to develop a community where art and faith can explore and express the Gospel and the Spirit of God in new and revealing ways.

The journey will be with people who are Christian and those who are not.

The forming group is made up of Sally Nelson, Dean of Baptist Formation, St Hild College, Simon Wakefield, Minister in Training, Bingley Baptist Church, Micky Munroe, Minister, Whitley Lodge Baptist Church, Artist John Allcock and National Communications Manager Mike Lowe.

Simon reflects:
‘I’m interested in how artists can collaborate together. I’m always amazed how a discussion about faith and art can generate fascinating insights that then begin to visualise into new ‘mini creations’.

'Working together requires trust and the idea of going on a pilgrimage and seeing art develop through this journey will hopefully create new connections’.


John says:
‘Being an artist is a fairly lonely business at the best of times. The majority of my personal contacts in art have no particular interest in Christianity. 

'It would be good to have other like-minded artists with whom it might be possible to share ideas and experiences.
'I think that the churches in general underestimate the opportunities offered by art to communicate the gospel and aspects of religious experience to a wider public.  Something useful could be done to correct that neglect.'

Baptist Artists Together hopes to meet several times through 2024 and allow the story of this community to emerge together and give ownership of the project to those present.

The initial gathering will meet to discern the way, then meet a few months later and bring something created as a response and allow it to develop organically with feedback from the community, perhaps joining together on a piece of work if that is appropriate.

The community will be vulnerable, sharing work and stories and will share the story of faith through various forms and media.

‘Pilgrimage’ was chosen as the theme because it is a positive journeying word whether you are Christian or not.
The first meeting will be at Bingley Baptist Church, Saturday 10 February, 10-3pm. The church can accommodate about 20 artists and lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Provisional further dates are 8 June, 28 September, with interim meeting at Baptist Assembly in May for those able to go. It is hoped that a specific output such as an exhibition can happen at the Baptist Assembly in 2025.

Are you interested in joining this pilgrimage and initially attend a Zoom meeting on 9 January at 7pm?  If so please contact Mike Lowe here.


Baptist Times, 08/12/2023
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    Posted: 26/02/2024