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Mental health charity offers grants to ‘be alongside’ 

New grant scheme offers seedcorn funding for local befriending and drop-in projects

Being AlongsideA national mental health charity has launched a scheme offering a helping hand to churches and other organisations keen to improve the care offered to people experiencing mental health difficulties.

The Association for Pastoral Care in Mental Health, which operates under the name Being Alongside, is giving away up to £20,000 over the next two years to expand the number of drop-in café style projects and befriending schemes across the country.

Local organisations can submit applications for up to £2,000 each to support the establishment of such projects, to help cover the costs of expenses like room hire, publicity and refreshments.

The grants could also be used to fund research into the needs of the local area, and how those experiencing mental health difficulties can best be reached.

Being Alongside Chair Ben Wilson said, 'Since APCMH was founded almost 40 years ago, much has changed in society’s understanding of mental health and the value of holistic care.

'There are now a far wider range of organisations working with churches and other faith groups, to address remaining stigma and share good practice on welcoming and including those experiencing mental health challenges.

'But there are few avenues for direct financial support to help get new schemes off the ground.

'We hope this scheme will help nurture emerging projects and in turn offer more spaces for people to be alongside each other.'

The focus on drop-in and befriending services reflects the impact that Being Alongside’s branches and affiliates have made with similar initiatives, such as the Battersea Befriending Network, filling a gap left between statutory and other services.

Projects interested in applying for funding are invited to submit an application by completing the simple form on the Being Alongside website 


Baptist Times, 31/08/2023
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