Supporting young adults in your church
Pastoral reflections from the Baptists Together Children, Young People and Families (CYF) Round Table
The CYF Roundtable represents children's, youth and family workers, whether ministers, staff or volunteers, across the Baptist family. In the last few weeks, many of us have been approached for advice on how to best support those who are feeling shaken and distressed by the recent news about the Church of England investigation into allegations about Mike Pilavachi, one of the founders of Soul Survivor.
Some of the most common questions that youth ministers and leaders have been asking us include:
How can we reach out and offer support to young adults who feel disillusioned and distressed in the light of this, particularly those who attended Soul Survivor or other Christian festivals in previous years?
How can we offer opportunities for young adults and older young people to talk about their feelings and process their emotions?
What sort of pastoral support might be helpful as we walk with people over the weeks and months ahead?
How might we provide Biblical reflection and learning about the risks of power and abuse of trust?
How might we respond well to those individuals for whom this news has reminded them of their own experiences of abuse, either at home, at school or in church?
Youthscape have recently published a very helpful reflection for churches and youth leaders that provides helpful guidance on all of these points and provides information on other support resources: As a youth leader, how do I respond to the investigation into Mike Pilavachi? | Youthscape
The CYF representatives in each of the 13 Baptist associations are also available if you would like to talk through how you might respond helpfully to questions from young people in your church. We can also connect you to the Regional Safeguarding Lead in your area if other issues arise.
May you find comfort in the God who also asked questions
May you find peace in the God who also wrestles with an imperfect world
May you find hope in the God who loves beyond all measure and understanding
The CYF Round Table
Baptist Times, 19/05/2023