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'A growing network of people partnering to see the Kingdom of God in new housing areas’ 

A report from the National New Housing Summit, which saw around 100 leaders gather at Regents Hall in London to explore reaching every new housing area with God’s love, and hear stories of where this is happening

New Housing Summit

‘We believe this is a Kairos moment for Christians in our nation’ was the opening statement at the New Housing Summit on 4 October.

The event was hosted by the New Housing Hub, Churches Together in England and an ecumenical group of new housing practitioners from across the churches in the UK, under the leadership of Ali Boulton and Penny Marsh (both Baptist ministers and new housing practitioners).

This one-off gathering was the culmination of two years planning. In preparation for the summit, practitioners and enablers had met together online during lockdown for three webinars.

Following this, in March 2022, more than 30 leaders engaged in new housing met together for 24 hours to listen to one another and to God. The experience and learning gathered from these events shaped the message that was shared at the summit; and insights gleaned from these pioneers formed the discussion content of the breakout sessions during the day.


The vision of the summit was to inspire those from across the denominations and networks to engage with and enable significant development in mission in new housing areas.

Bishop Guli Francis Dehqani, the keynote speaker, shared her own experience of being given safe housing when she arrived with her family from Iran in 1980 and the basic need for good quality safe housing as an issue of social justice.

The Revd Dr Michael Moynagh (Fresh Expressions theologian) shared around new missional models that could be effective as Christians engage with the residents of new housing areas.
The importance of connecting early (and in a positive way) with planners, developers, housebuilders, and key stakeholders was also shared; a video interview with Kevin McGeough from the Ebbsfleet Development Corporation delivered some insights into best practice as outside agencies are approached.

An ecumenical panel discussed the ecumenical challenges and shared good models of collaborating together.

New Housing Hub gameThe day was punctuated with inspirational short stories of Christian initiatives from different new housing developments.

The afternoon included a surprise, guest appearance from Andy Flannagan who re-enforced the mission agenda with a performance of Not made for the Harbour. This was followed by the New Housing Game played in groups around the tables (pictured). The game has been created to be a fun, interactive learning tool, and incorporates statements from new housing practitioners: amongst the laughter and chatter, there were some very engaging conversations!

From the feedback we have received, many found the day to be inspiring, and we continue to pray that they will returned to their contexts energised and equipped to share with others and get involved. 

‘I went away feeling encouraged by a day full of hope and a growing network of people who feel called to partner together to see the Kingdom of God come in new housing areas,' said the Revd Dr Benjamin Aldous, Principal Officer for Mission and Evangelism, Churches Together in England (CTE). 

For more information about how to engage with new housing in your area, visit newhousinghub.org or contact Ali Boulton or Penny Marsh

Also see for a report from CTE 


Baptist Times, 10/11/2022
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