Church opens doors during Commonwealth Games cycle race
Castle Hill Baptist Church in Warwick welcomed hundreds of spectators and officials with refreshments and bacon baps during the Commonwealth Games cycling road race

The cycling events for men and women passed right in front of the church for 10 and 7 laps respectively of the 16km route on Sunday (7 August), encouraging the church to open its building to spectators and officials.
It was staffed by volunteers who could walk or cycle there, from 7am in the morning until 5pm. Hundreds of people entered the building to use the toilets, get drinks, have a bacon or sausage bap or to enjoy the wide variety of cakes made for the day.
As well as spectators, security staff and volunteers came in and the police used the building to store unneeded hi vis jackets, to take their breaks and to top up with water.

Kathy Hewitt, who organised the day said, 'We had an amazing day at the cycle event. So many visitors from near and far came into our building to use toilets, sit in the cool, enjoy refreshments and the chance to chat.
'God really answered prayers very specifically regarding volunteers, contributions of cakes, catering for the right numbers, safety and people having a good time. There was also interest expressed in Christianity Explored. Praise God!'
Comments from some spectators included:
'Thank you – you have made our day so much more enjoyable for having lovely loos close to hand. We’ve been able to keep hydrated knowing we didn’t have to go in search of conveniences!!!'
'Great cake and coffee – thank you'
'Bacon bap – just what I need right now'
The church was also able to raise over £750 which will be shared with a local charity and BMS World Mission’s Harvest Appeal.

Baptist Times, 10/08/2022