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'It will enlarge your horizon. It will help you to examine: Where is God taking me?' 

Introducing One2Lead, a personal development and leadership training programme, which equips 16-25 year olds in leadership roles within the church


Are you 16-25? Would you like the chance to learn new leadership skills? Further your walk with God and form new friendships – plus have a great weekend in Cornwall?

One2Lead is a personal development and leadership training programme, run by Counties*, which helps to equip young people as disciples and leaders wherever they may find themselves. 

For six weekends over two years, students get the chance to experience interactive teaching on biblical studies, personal development and practical skills. Physical outdoor activities are also a big part of the programme. 

The first taster weekend is fast approaching 4-6 March at Menadue Farm, Tintagel, in Cornwall.

Students will take part in practical and interactive sessions and learn: 

  • Leadership Skills: Styles of Leadership, Developing a Team, Teaching Others, Mentoring, Setting Targets and Resolving Conflicts.
  • Personal Development: Knowing Myself, Bible Study, Power of Prayer, Planning and Prioritising, Accountability and Leading by Example. 
  • The Bible: Old Testament Explored, New Testament Unpacked, God the Father, Jesus the Son, the Holy Spirit and the Church.
  • Practical: Budgeting and Finance, Developing and Running a Programme, Safeguarding, Evangelism, Understanding our World and Relationships

There will also be lots of outdoor activities like caving, speedboat rides, canoeing, bowling and quad biking and, of course, time to socialise and lots of cake – all for £75.

one2leadAndy Goode is the Baptist minister at Putson Baptist Church, Hereford, as well as being a founder member of the One2Lead programme.

He said, 'The great thing about the scheme is that young people get to know other Christians across many different denominations from England and Wales. We don’t want church leaders thinking we are trying to ‘poach’ their young people, so we try to get the churches involved and build relationships – so they know what their young people are learning. 

'If churches have events coming up that their young people - who have been on One2Lead weekends - can get involved, we ask them; so, they use the skills they have learned effectively.'
Andy says the success of the programme is very much evident when he looks at the number of young people who have gone on into full time Christian work, and the many others who are now living out their faith in whatever careers they have chosen to do. 

'I think that’s really important because we are empowering rather than indoctrinating.'

Andy goes on to say that he would recommend the programme to younger Baptists because he believes it’s about “seeing the bigger picture”. 

'You will get great teaching. You will also meet lots of other great Christians of your own age who will perhaps challenge you, but you will also make friendships that will last outside of One2Lead. 

'It will enlarge your horizon. It will help you to examine and ask: ‘Where is God taking me? What is God saying to me on this journey with Him?’ But it’s also going to enable you to be effective where you are.'

*Counties is an ecumenical, UK wide, organisation – whose aim is to make Jesus known – through a national network of evangelists, schools’ resources, church planters and training opportunities. 

To book, visit counties-training.org/one2lead


Baptist Times, 16/02/2022
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