Church Treasurers Welcome Pack
This leaflet explains the role of a Church Treasurer and the support that Baptists Together can provide - click here to download the Welcome Pack. |
Financial Guidance
Our Finance team maintains a Financial Guidance area of our website with key information including stipend and manse values, subscriptions, deposit and loan fund rates.
Church Finance Documents
The Finance section of the Resources section contains many helpful documents:
F02 Guidelines on Charity Accounts with income under £250,000
F02 Appendix: Document template for Receipt and Payment Accounts
F03 Guidelines on Charity Accounts with income over £250,000
F03 Appendix: Document template for Accruals Accounts
F04 Independent Examination of Church Accounts
F05 Preparation for Annual Reports
F06 Employment Allowance
F07 Charity Reserves
F08 Budgeting Planning
F09 Fellowship Funds
F10 Direct Debit Instruction Form
F11 Expenditure Budget
F12 Income Budget
Gift Aid Documents
G01 Claim for a Top-up Payment for Small Cash Donation
G02 New Form of Gift Aid Declaration
Taxation Documents
X01 online filing of minister's tax return
X02 Self Assessment and the Minister
X03 Taxation Guidelines for Churches and Ministers
X04 Guidelines for Ministers holding a property which is rented on a shorthold tenancy |
Deposit Accounts
Churches in membership of the Baptist Union of Great Britain with savings and reserves are encouraged to lodge these in a Baptists Together Deposit account. These accounts, provided by the Baptist Union Corporation Limited, offer a competitive rate of interest on deposits. Click here for details.
Loan Fund
Churches sometimes need to borrow money - maybe for a new site or to enlarge or redevelop existing buildings or to buy residential property. Find out about various sources of loans including the Baptist Union Loan Fund which is specifically geared to the needs of Baptist Churches.
Annual Report
Each year we publish our annual report, which provides an opportunity to review what has happened in the past year and look ahead to our plans for the future. |
Transform is distributed to Church Treasurers, secretaries and ministers with their copy of Baptists Together magazine in January, May and September each year. Each edition of has information for all church leaders to keep, including important information for Church Treasurers on financial and legal topics. You can also find the archive of previous editions in our Resource Library.
Members of the Support Services Team have hosted a number of webinars on a range of topics of interest to Church Treasurers. Churches are welcome to sign in to these webinars live and to ask questions through the webinar, or to view a video of the webinar after it has taken place. Click here to view these webinars.
Facebook Group for Baptist Church Treasurers
This private Facebook group allows our Treasurers and others involved in finance in Baptists Together organisations to support each other by sharing their wisdom and experience. We hope this will be particularly helpful for new treasurers who would appreciate some guidance from those who have been doing it for a while. You can find the group here and request to join. |
The Baptist Pension Scheme (BPS) has its own website for all Members, Churches and Employers. Here you will be able to find out about Joining the scheme; information for Active, Deferred and Retired Members; Key documents you may need; and information for churches / employers.
Resource Library
Our extensive Resource Library is the place to go to download a variety of documents and to view recordings of our webinars and other videos. As well as the documents prepared by our Finance Team, you will find our range of Guideline Leaflets prepared by our Legal and Operations Team on charity, legal, property and trusts issues - click here for the Index for all Legal and Operations Team Guideline leaflets.
Do explore the other sections within the Resource Library for resources on a wide range of topics. |
Finance Team
The Finance Team is part of the Support Services specialist team, based at Baptist House. They are happy to help churches with finance queries. As well as administering the Home Mission Fund, they manage the collection of Baptists Together Subscriptions and provide a range of Financial Guidance leaflets.
Utility Aid
Baptists Together are working in partnership with Utility Aid, a specialist energy broker focussed on the charity sector. Utility Aid are offering a free energy bill audit to our member churches. If you sign up, Utility Aid will check your bills for any overcharging and work with you to claim any refunds due.