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Placements needed for international trainees 

DNA, a national discipleship programme, is urgently seeking to partner with two Baptist churches to host trainees from Cameroon


DNA is a national charity which organises an exciting discipleship year focusing on developing people's skills and giftings, their understanding of theology and finally their character. It is a church based year where trainees can be based in their own church or placed away, with an opportunity to serve in that context in a variety of areas. The trainees seek to serve the life of the local church as well as develop leaders of the future (both for within church, the community and the market place). DNA is for anyone over the age of 18 years and is a challenging and exciting opportunity to go on a year of discovery with God. Many Baptist churches have served as DNA placement churches.

The charity is currently urgently looking for two placement churches to host DNA trainees for the new DNA year starting on 23 September 2021. It has recently had an influx of applications through the Baptist church network in Cameroon which is really exciting, but stills need to find additional placement churches. From many years experience working with overseas trainees and in recent years specifically with trainees from Cameroon, the charity knows how much richness and diversity they bring and what a blessing they can be to the local church and community.

If you would like to explore potentially being a placement church please contact Jon in the DNA office urgently on dna@dna-uk.org or 07905625195. The placement church would need to provide food and accommodation for the trainee during the year (usually with a host family), as well as a programme (four days a week serving the church, plus two days for study (provided by DNA), and one day off a week), a co-ordinator (line manager), a mentor, and a church partnership fee.

DNA provides training blocks one weekend a month, and then the rest of the trainees time would be spent serving their placement church to the weekly pattern as outlined above. Trainees would often be involved in young people work, youth work, Sunday services, food banks, and community work.

To find out more about DNA visit www.dna-uk.org 

Baptist Times, 08/09/2021
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