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'Set 75 per cent emissions cut by 2030' church leaders urge PM 

General Secretary Lynn Green and our former President Dave Gregory, convenor of the Baptist Union Environment Network, have joined British church leaders in urging Prime Minister Boris Johnson to set a 75 per cent emissions cut by 2030.

Downing StreetThey have signed a letter to Mr Johnson calling on him to pledge to cut UK emissions by at least 75 per cent, from 1990 levels, by 2030 when he submits the country’s first climate plan under the Paris Agreement.

With the UK leaving the EU, it must now provide a standalone national climate plan to the UN climate body, the UNFCCC, outlining its proposed emissions cuts and the support it will provide to vulnerable countries that have done little to cause climate change. It will be closely scrutinised as the UK is presiding over the crucial next UN climate summit taking place in Glasgow in 2021.

The letter is accompanied by a petition, signed by 57,000 people, demanding a New Deal for Climate Justice, which puts the world’s poorest and most vulnerable communities at the heart of global climate policy, stops the expansion of fossil fuel projects and invests in rapidly decarbonising the UK economy.

The letter and petition has been organised by Christian Aid. Click here to read more.  

Image | Jordhan Madec | Unsplash


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