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Heritage Property Initiative

*Grants for maintenance now available*

We are extremely excited to have been awarded a National Capacity Building Grant by Historic England to undertake the Baptists Together Heritage Property Initiative. Capacity Building grants are offered for activities and projects which promote the understanding, management and conservation of the historic environment, and the award will enable us to offer churches with listed buildings additional support for the care and adaptation of their chapels.

The Baptist Union Heritage Property Initiative

Phase 1 of the project is set to run until June 2021 and aims to:

  • identify the key challenges faced by churches with listed buildings
  • support sustainable maintenance and repair practices
  • help churches undertake sympathetic refurbishment to make buildings fit for mission

In order to deliver these key aims we have created two new channels of support for our churches with listed buildings:

  • A Church Historic Buildings Support Officer post to work closely with congregations and oversee wider support initiatives
  • A Quinquennial Inspection Grant Scheme to help churches undertake and act on essential condition surveys

In addition to these two core resources we will also be undertaking a range of fact-finding activities, as well as piloting several initiatives designed to respond to the key needs identified and achieve these aims.

To keep up to date with the latest news about project progress and available support for listed buildings, as well as to receive notifications about key launch dates and deadlines, please subscribe to the Listed Buildings Mailing List.
Find out more about the Quinquennial Inspection Grant Scheme and other ways to get involved via the following links.

GetInvolved GrantsForQIs


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Groups and Activities at your Listed Building
Tell us about the activities you run or host (or would like to!) at your Baptist listed building.
Other ways to get involved in the quinqennial inspection project
Other ways to get involved in the quinqennial inspection project
Grants for Quinquennial Inspections
Find out about grants for Quinquennial Inspections and how to apply for a grant
Applying for a Grant for Quinquennial Inspections
Applying for a Quinqennial Inspection Grant for a Listed Building
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