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'Deliver on climate promises'

World leaders have been urged to deliver on their climate promises

Climate change letter

The call comes in a letter signed by Christian leaders and influencers across six continents ahead of this week’s UN Climate Change Conference (COP24) in Katowice, Poland.
The letter has been organised by the Renew Our World campaign - a global movement of Christians tackling climate change, poverty and injustice, and calling for stronger action at the negotiations.
It asks world leaders to keep the promises made regarding the Paris Agreement in 2015.
‘Christians across the world are responding to this urgent issue’ the letter states. ‘From communities already being hit by climate change to those who have contributed most to the problem, we are taking action together.’
It continues, ‘This is the greatest challenge of our generation, we ask you to do more to avert climate change and protect the most vulnerable people who are impacted first and most significantly.’
The conference brings nations together so they can collectively limit global warming. However recent findings suggest efforts need to be increased. The Emissions Gap Report, released by UN Environment last week, indicates we are way off track to meet goals set; and nations must increase their climate action five-fold to reach the safe level of 1.5 degrees celsius by the end of the century.
International aid and development agency Tearfund is a partner of the Renew Our World campaign, and fully supports this letter to world leaders.
‘Time is of the essence,’ said Tearfund’s Director of Advocacy Ruth Valerio. ‘It’s vital we step up our efforts to tackle climate change. There’s such a huge gap between where we are and where we should be in order for us not to exceed 1.5 degrees of global warming.
‘Christians across the world are joining our campaign. We’re calling on world leaders to deliver on their promises, to limit global warming in line with the Paris Agreement.
‘Here at Tearfund we see the devastating daily impact that climate change has on the most vulnerable and poorest people in the world, for many they end up being pushed deeper into poverty. 
“However we can make a change, by taking action together.’
Signatories of the letter include, Tim Adams, Associate Director of IFES; Christine MacMillan, Senior Advisor at the World Evangelical Alliance; Eva Morales, President of the Latin American Theological Fellowship; and Martin J Hodson Operations Director of The John Ray Initiative.

Join the campaign at www.renewourworld.net

Baptist Times, 03/12/2018
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