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Fix Universal Credit, government urged 

Baptist Union General Secretary Lynn Green has joined charity and faith leaders in writing to the Prime Minister and Chancellor, urging them to fix ‘failing’ Universal Credit 

Universal Credit
The letter, co-ordinated by the End Hunger UK campaign, explained how Universal Credit is impacting its users. 

In areas where Universal Credit has been rolled out, food aid providers report ‘an increase in demand, with more people pushed into debt, destitution and hunger as a result of delays, errors, a lack of flexibility, and inadequate support,’ the letter stated.

It called on the Government to reinvest in Universal Credit, improve its flexibility, and make a long-term commitment to ensure Universal Credit provides people with enough income to afford food on a regular basis. 

It was accompanied by an End Hunger UK report which draws on feedback from more than 70 frontline food aid providers across the UK.

‘We have all come together as part of the End Hunger UK campaign because we share a vision of a society where everyone has access to good food, and no one has to go to bed hungry,' the letter stated.
‘We still believe that there is an opportunity to fix Universal Credit to prevent more people going hungry.

‘We look forward to the opportunity of discussing this with you further and continuing this dialogue as we build a welfare system together that can support our most vulnerable citizens.' 
Joining Lynn in signing the letter were Derek Estill, moderator General Assembly United Reformed Church, the Revd Michaela Youngson, President of the Methodist Conference, Niall Cooper, director Church Action on Poverty and Emma Revie, chief executive of the Trussell Trust.

The Joint Public Issues Team has produced this two-minute briefing about Universal Credit
Baptist Times, 19/10/2018
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