Holiday at Home in Bletchley
Almost 70 over-60s were treated to a feast of activities, all-day refreshments and fun at September’s ‘Holiday at Home’ event at the Water Eaton Church Centre in Milton Keynes, arranged by members of Spurgeon Baptist Church and St Frideswide’s C of E
The event was first inspired three years ago by Jenny Davis, the Parish Nurse, and this year had the theme of ‘Under the Sea’ complete with suspended models of a giant whale, shark, fishes, seaweed and jelly fishes, arranged around a shipwreck, a treasure chest, and sound effects.
Activities included a sing-a-long, a humorous but meaningful Jonah sketch, craft workshops, film shows, chair exercises and many other activities.
Lunch was generous individual portions of fresh fish and chips, provided by CrossLinks, a community charity set up by the two fellowships.

Baptist Times, 17/09/2018