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Christians in Politics announces new Executive Director 

Christians in Politics has appointed Andy Flannagan as Executive Director. The post is a new role, created in response to the high levels of interest and engagement following the 2015 and 2017 ‘Show Up’ campaigns.

Andy FlannaganAndy, a member of Stopsley Baptist Church in Luton, is an Irish singer-songwriter who was previously a hospital doctor and has spent almost a decade as Director of Christians on the Left. He will continue to be a singer-songwriter alongside his new role.

Christians in Politics is an all-party, non-denominational organisation which seeks to encourage and inspire Christians to get involved in politics and public life. Emphasis is placed on our membership of the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, as opposed to the earthly allegiances which may separate us. 

Commenting on his new role, Andy said, ‘The message of the Show Up campaign was simple but provocative. It challenged Christians and the church not to just commentate from the side-lines but to get on the pitch of political life.

'It felt like the start of a movement, and I am unashamedly thrilled to be given the opportunity to provide leadership for Christians in Politics as we try to reach places and people who have not yet heard our message but who could have so much to offer the political world.’

The organisation said the new post will bring 'increased focus to the work of Christians in Politics', enabling the creation of content to resource Christians who are exploring their political journeys. It will also allow further uptake of potential speaking, writing and media opportunities.

Gary Streeter MP noted ‘Andy’s passion, biblical insight and story-telling ability will convince even the most sceptical that they could and should be more than mere commentators on politics.’

Dr Jonathan Oloyede, Convenor of National Day of Prayer and Worship, added ‘Christians cannot stand on the sidelines any longer where politics is concerned! We need to get actively and prayerfully involved to see transformation in our communities and Nation.

'It is when we show up and engage with our world that we can influence what happens in our Nation and pray His Kingdom Come.’ 

For more on Christians in Politics, including booking a speaker, visit: christiansinpolitics.org.uk

Baptist Times, 26/02/2018
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