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Raising the profile of ministerial life

A new initiative for ministers, those to whom they are married and their children has launched on the Baptists Together website.


Manse Life is a new area for ministerial families, with the aim of both raising the profile of ministerial life as well as grounding it in reality.
The plan is that each week a new article or two would be uploaded to ‘help people feel less isolated, to find common ground, to reflect, provoke thought, spur faith, share ideas and best practice, and to raise a smile.’ Different media will be explored as the initiative develops. 
The idea has come from Christine Carter, a Baptist Union trustee who is married to a Baptist minister. It has the backing of the Ministries Team.  
‘We are doing this because ministry life is unique,’ Christine explains. ‘There are incredible joys, amazing privileges, and inspiring times. These are all brilliant.
‘There is also heartache; fear, frustration, loss, relocation to name a few and there is often no recourse for these feelings.
‘By providing an outlet for people to write constructively about their experiences and share these in a positive environment I believe would bring hope and a sense of perspective.’
Christina has written the first reflection, which unpacks Manse Life a little more. 

When we are called and placed in a church, I believe we all have a calling to be there; the whole family, to walk alongside it, and to embrace its community. To serve it, to bless it, to let it shape our lives and stretch our faith. We all give ourselves to it.
So, this is over to you. We need your articles. If you are growing up in the manse, or are grown up already, if you are married to a minister, or a minister yourself. If you’d like to reflect on an aspect of family or church life, then let’s all hear it. 

Do you have an article to contribute to Manse Life? Contact media@baptist.org.uk 
Baptist Times, 21/06/2018
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