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Please click the links below to access the most up-to-date lists of our accredited ministers and nationally recognised pastors. To find out more about each category, please see our Ministry pages. We have also included below the In Memoriam lists shared annually at our Assembly.

Accredited ministers
Accredited ministers may be church pastors; chaplains; evangelists; pioneers; children’s, families’ and youth workers; or retired. All have been through ministerial formation including theological education and had their calling to ministry tested by the wider Baptist church. The list is updated three times a year.  
Recognised Local Ministers
Like accredited ministers, Recognised Local Ministers might be church pastors, chaplains, evangelists, pioneers, or children’s, youth and families’ workers. However, they undergo a lower level of training than accredited ministers, and are recognised for their local ministry in their particular context and setting. This is a relatively new category and we will publish a list of Recognised Local Ministers once it is populated.
Nationally Recognised Pastors
Before the introduction of Recognised Local Ministry, those who were not accredited ministers but who acted as pastors in our churches could become Nationally Recognised Pastors. As with Recognised Local Ministers, Nationally Recognised Pastors undergo a lower level of training than accredited ministers yet have been equipped to an extent that enables the Union to nationally recognise their calling and gifting by God for pastoral ministry among our churches.
This is an historic list and may contain the names of pastors who have died since it was created.  If you are aware of any names which should no longer be included on this list, please contact our Ministries Team so that the list can be updated.
Nationally Accredited Church Workers
For a season, the Union also accredited those whose primary vocational calling was to be a Church Worker within a Baptist context. This register is now closed to new applicants and only one person remains on the list.
In Memoriam
List of Ministers and mission personnel who have died, as shared at our annual Assembly.

An archive of recent obituaries is maintained in the Baptist Times section of our website.
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Find information about churches in membership of our Union, including summary statistics
Find our lists of Accredited Ministers and Nationally Accredited Pastors
Partner Organisations
Find out more about our wider Baptist family and ecumenical links
Our structure
Details of our Associations, Colleges, Specialist Teams, Governance and some reference documents about our Union
    Posted: 02/12/2020
    Posted: 01/09/2017
    Posted: 01/09/2017
    Posted: 01/09/2017
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