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Early years and primary school teachers: we need you!

BMS World Mission families in Afghanistan and northern Uganda need teachers to come and educate their young children. Can you help?

You feel called to use your skills and experience to serve God in overseas mission. You also feel called to give the children God has blessed you with a good education. The problem: there are no schools to send your children to where you live. So, what do you do?

This is the dilemma some of our wonderful families living and serving in northern Uganda and rural Afghanistan are facing. If you are an early years or primary school teacher, or if you know someone who is, you could help. 

Watch this video to meet Linda and Tim Darby – one of the families who would love a teacher to join them in Gulu, northern Uganda. (Joshua, Annabelle and Elsa – your future students – make a very cute appearance 45 seconds in!)

Linda and Tim Darby need a teacher from BMS World Mission on Vimeo.

Who we need

We are looking for early years and primary school teachers who can commit to serve with us for at least one year. You’ll be a flexible, experienced practitioner who is excited by the opportunity of starting a small cluster group for young ex-pat children. You’ll be teaching up to ten children of a range of ages, in either Uganda or Afghanistan, and will have the opportunity to stimulate their learning abilities.  

This is not an ordinary classroom job – but it’s a very exciting chance to help young children learn and develop. You’ll help them with their reading and writing, and their maths. And you’ll equip them to develop their knowledge and curiosity, too.

They are absolutely amazing kids who we are sure will be a pleasure to teach (most of the time)! 

On top of that, you’ll be helping mission workers like Joe and Lois keep doing their work.

By teaching the children of our mission workers, and of other ex-pat workers in these countries, you’ll be playing a vital part in the work of BMS in Afghanistan or Uganda. You’ll be enabling our workers to stay and serve with all the gifts God has given them. 

In Afghanistan: you’ll be helping mothers and babies survive labour in a country with some of the worst infant and maternal mortality rates in the world. And you’ll be enabling rural communities to access clean water and prevent the spread of fatal diseases.
In Uganda: you’ll be helping to stop gender based violence in schools. You’ll be playing your part in equipping farmers in the post-conflict north of the country to grow fruitful harvests for their struggling families. You’ll be providing people with job opportunities and clean toilets. And you’ll be helping children with disabilities learn to communicate with their loved ones.

Tim* and Jenny* are BMS workers in Afghanistan with their two children Katie* and Robert*. They would love to have a primary school teacher join them and the other families serving in the area.
“We believe that God has called us all here as a family – not just Jenny and me,” says Tim. “And we feel that a teacher will really help our children to thrive here.  
“A teacher also frees us up to get more involved in our work, and the lives of local people.”

If you or someone you know is interested in joining BMS as a teacher in Afghanistan or Uganda, please do get in touch with! You can drop an email at opportunities@bmsworldmission.org or phone on 01235 517651.
BMS also has a range of other opportunities available for educators at all levels. Check out our vacancies today.

*names changed

This story originally appeared on the BMS World Mission website and is used with permission.

BMS World Mission, 28/03/2017
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