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'Become part of the solution to loneliness'

Churches are being encouraged to play an even greater role in tackling isolation in their communities by signing up to the Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness.

Opening a doorBefore her death last year Jo formed an independent, cross-party Commission of MPs and charities to highlight the fact that we can all do something to help lonely people in our community.

The Commission has been taken forward in Jo’s memory by Rachel Reeves MP from Labour and Seema Kennedy MP from the Conservatives in order to, in Jo’s words, ‘turbo charge the public’s awareness of loneliness.’

The commission’s slogan is ‘Start a Conversation’ - and now five Christian charities are aiming to mobilise churches to do just that.
In a joint statement, the charities want Christians to ‘help themselves and others around them – to become part of the solution – whether through talking to a neighbour, visiting an old friend, or just making time for people they meet.’
The charities are Linking Lives UK, Livability, Pilgrims’ Friend Society, The Bible Reading Fellowship and Capital Mass.
Linking Lives UK emerged from the Link Visiting Scheme, a successful charity initiated in 1998 through Woodley Baptist Church in Berkshire.

Its National Coordinator Jeremy Sharpe said, ‘This is a significant opportunity for churches to be salt and light in our communities.

‘Collectively, churches are probably already the single most powerful movement of people reaching out to support isolated older people and we are calling on people to make this visible by signing up to the Jo Cox Commission campaign to start a conversation.’

Already, churches in the UK are doing more to address loneliness and isolation than any other social issue, with 87 per cent of churches having informal or organised activities in place[1].
The charities have put forward seven suggestions for action (click on the links for more)

1.      Discover top tips for starting a conversation  

2.      Explore starting a visiting and befriending scheme

3.      Get training and encouragement through the “Faith in Seniors” conference

4.      See how the Anna Chaplaincy model could support your work

5.      Download a report on church responses to isolation

6.      In London: Join a learning community

7.      Sign up to the Jo Cox Campaign and pledge to start a conversation

Jo Cox Commission

The Jo Cox Commission on Loneliness launched earlier this year. The commission will work with a number of charities to come up with ideas for change.


Bible Reflections for Older People - Timely study of communicating faith and love in our twilight years

All the lonely people - Who are they? The importance of looking out for the lonely in our churches and beyond.

[1] Church in Action Report, Church Urban Fund October 2016.

Picture | Michael Ramey | Unsplash
Baptist Times, 24/04/2017
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